The research team has done a very intense
and at the same time very fruitful work for the past eight months. In contrast
to the past, it set about to perform the tasks with a completely new approach.
It has examined and found a number of previously unknown clues, sources and
evidence while doing research on the traces of the tomb of Suleiman the Magnificent in Szigetvár. It gained
several new insights, then made a a rather surprising discovery at a surprising
place. The research group discovered an
lost city (kaszaba), which could have been established by sacredness, political
considerations and the demand for remembrance.
Our main statements are:
1) Sultan Suleiman
passed away on 6th September 1566 in the military siege camp of
Szigetvár, within which the sultan's
camp was located east of the fortress, on the vineyard hill of Zsibót-Turbék.
At the beginning of the siege the previously set up Sultan's tent (and the camp
around it) was situated near a lake, at an area much closer to the fortress,
which was unlikely to be safe enough. After having arrived at the area under
the fortress, the Sultan moved into the camp of the grand Vizier for a short
time. Later he resettled at the final camp, which had been established a little
further away on the vineyard hill. The mentioned lake/swamp has dried up by
today; as it has been identified by our studies. Later the two Sultan camp sites became a source of misunderstandings.
2) The
Sultan's internal organs were buried.
His case of death was being kept a secret from the army for 48 days. The
question remains scientifically controversial. According to the standpoint of
the research group, if the basic preservation procedures had not been applied,
the Sultan’s death could not have been concealed. There have not yet been any
definitive, new sources or evidence found in this respect.
3) The
Sultan's camp site has been marked and it has been associated with an orchard. Later, the surveillance of the
site was assigned to the sanjak bey of Szigetvár and the dervishes od Halvet. Two nearby villages (Becefa and Csütörtökhely) had been assigned to look after the area.
4) Probably
between 1573-77 a türbe was built
over the place, which certainly existed until 1692, when it was demolished.
5) The
assumptions that the location of the
türbe is to be found by the creek
Almás, are false. That area was
wet, swampy, unsuitable for construction at that time. The hypothesis is not
supported by the sources.
6) According
to the sources a mosque, a dervish cloister and barracks were built near the türbe, which was surrounded by a
palisade. Over time, a tavern, a medrese, a hamam and an inn (hán) were also
built next to the türbe to serve the needs of the local people and the
travelers. 50-60 soldiers did military service in the palisade. Outside the
palisade there was a kaszaba, which was ruined in the late 1680s. The kaszaba was the size of two mahalles.
An ecclesiastical foundation (vakuf)
was established with properties, which was ordered to be provided for the türbe
and the mosque.
7) The Bosnian
Szokollu family, that gave grand viziers for the empire, played a crucial role
both in the construction as well as in the maintenance of the türbe and the
related buildings.
8) Due to the
interpretations of the written sources and the subsequent on-site field trips,
we could identify an Ottoman settlement
on the vinyard hill of Zsibót. This settlement shows an urban image. It was of
considerable size, surrounded by a
3-4-metre deep ditch (seemingly of ¾ type for now), which served security purposes. The studied site is a privately
owned vinyard and orchard (expanding to about a dozen vinyard properties). This
slows down and hampers the archaeological type research. Based on the
observations so far, a wealthy population lived here, that used Balkan and Turkish ceramics. On the
basis of the surface examinations so far, it can already be clearly seen that
scattered traces of luxury goods are
observable (Chinese porcelain, Persian
faience, glass). In addition to these, silver coin finds have also been
excavated. Our assumption is - that can only be proved by further studies -
that we have found the occupied settlement of Turbék, the previously mentioned kaszaba. The settlement itself is unique, there is no known parallel to
it in the area of the Ottoman occupation.
The establishment of this highly unusual settlement must have been
induced by the türbe of Sulejman, which was built with commemorating, sacral and
political purposes.
9) Further
studies are needed to clarify the emerged anomalies, to determine the construction history of the kaszaba and
for the accurate localization of the türbe. The public announcement must be followed by providing the
insurance and security of the area, and the safe storage of the objects of art and archaeological
The evidences
that have been uncovered in the course of the research will be presented under the rules of
20th September 2013
Norbert Pap, PhD
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